Contains 8 Bait Spikes
Just place the Ant Bait Stakes outside around your home foundation.
For effective, long-term control of common household ants, the first step is baiting the worker ants – the ants you see marching around inside your house – with TERRO® Liquid Ant Baits.
- Kills the ants you see and the ones you don’t
- Targets ants outdoors before they can come indoors
- Ready to use - insert stakes, break tab, kill the colony
- See-through bait monitor lets you know when it's time to replace
- Reinforced ridges keep the stake firmly in the ground
- Tiered stairs provide ants with easy access to bait
Borax, a natural mineral, is the active ingredient in Terro Ant Baits. It is also commonly found in other household items including hand soap, laundry boosters, mouthwash and toothpaste. Although it is not toxic to humans or pets, borax disrupts the ant's digestive system and slowly kills them.
Be sure to watch the video.
As the worker ants forage for food, they are drawn to the sweet liquid in the pre-filled ant bait stations. The ants enter the trap, consume the bait, and then return to the nest where they pass on the bait to the rest of the colony. Baiting is the only way to get rid of the ants you see and the thousands you don’t.
The active ingredient in TERRO® ant bait products is formulated to kill the worker ant in two to three days. This gives the foraging ants enough time to get back to the colony and share the deadly bait with the rest of the ants, including the queen.
When using any TERRO® ant bait product, you’re initially going to see a lot more ants, When the foraging ants find the bait, they consume it and drop what is called a ‘trail pheromone’ back to the nest. The trail lets all the other worker ants know where the food supply is and they make a beeline for it. This explains the surge in ants when first placing the ant bait in and around your home. But be patient — in a day or two the ants will be nothing but a distant memory.”
Since most indoor ant infestations are linked to a colony outside, we recommend setting up outdoor home barriers. Treating the perimeter of your house with a TERRO® ant bait product provides an added line of defense against unwanted insects entering your home.
Like all TERRO® ant bait products, TERRO® Outdoor Liquid Ant Baits provide fast-acting elimination of the queen and entire colony of Canadian ants. To use, simply place the convenient, ready-to-use liquid ant bait stations outdoors in areas where ants are observed, and secure the stations with the stakes provided. The durable, weather-resistant bait stations prevent the liquid bait from drying out, providing the ants with a continuous supply of food, day and night.
The key to successfully using any TERRO® ant bait product is to make sure the ants find the bait, eat it and take it back to the nest to feed to the rest of the colony. Be sure to eliminate all other food sources in the area. This will ensure the ants aren’t tempted to eat anything but the bait.
Borax, a natural mineral, is the active ingredient in Terro Ant Baits. It is also commonly found in other household items including hand soap, laundry boosters, mouthwash and toothpaste. Although it is not toxic to humans or pets, borax disrupts the ant's digestive system and slowly kills them.

TERRO® Outdoor Liquid Ant Bait Stakes stop the problem at the source. The stakes target ants outdoors before they make their way into your home. The slow killing poison gives ants the time to transport the bait back to their colony, eliminating all worker ants and the queen. The bait attracts and kills all common household ants.
What Ants does the TERRO Ant Bait Stakes Eliminate?
What Ants Does it Eliminate?
All Common Household Ants, Including:
- Acrobat ants
- Allegheny ants
- Argentine ants
- Big headed ants
- Cornfield ants
- Crazy ants
- Ghost ants
- Little black ants
- Odorous house ants
- Pavement ants
- Pyramid ants
- Thief ants
- White footed ants
- Other sweet eating ants (except fire ants, pharaoh ants, carpenter ants, and harvester ants
What’s the difference between liquid and gel ant baits?
It’s a little known fact that adult worker ants cannot digest solid food (bait). Their anatomy is designed for transporting and digesting liquids only. Solid foods must be carried back to the colony for additional processing by the larvae stage. Liquid baits exploit this unique physiology by making it easy for ants to transport the liquid bait back to the rest of the colony, including the queen, larvae and other workers.
I just placed several TERRO® Liquid Ant Baits around my house foundation and it’s attracting more ants, not killing them! What’s going on?
You have nothing to worry about! Initially, you will see more ants. As ant foragers look for food, they are attracted to the sweet liquid in the bait which they consume and carry back to feed to the rest of the colony. On the way back to the nest, the ants drop what it called a ‘trail pheromone’, letting the other ants know where the tasty food supply is. In turn, these ants follow the trail to the bait which explains why you initially see more ants.
The active ingredient in the bait interferes with the ants' digestive systems, eventually killing the ants within 24-48 hours after consumption. This slow kill gives the worker ants enough to get back and share the bait with the colony. Baiting is the only way to successfully wipe out the ants you see and the thousands you don’t.